Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Keeping Сhildren Safe

I have been involved in identifying hazards in my setting, such as in the water play area, the children accidently spilling water on the floor from splashing the water out of the water bowl and from trying to experiment with pouring and filling bottles. Therefore, because this happened I proceeded to use in initiative and clean up the spillage on the floor.The procedure I had took in this situation was that I asked the children to step away from the puddle on the floor and I informed one other staff about what I had seen and asked if they can keep an eye on children while I went to go and get a mop or a towel to clean up the spilt area. I then went to collect the appropriate facilities and clean up the wet area so the children would not slip over and hurt themselves.Once I had cleaned it all up I changed the clothes of a child, as they was wet from playing in the water and it hen put a dry towel on the floor so if there is another spillage, the towel will keep it fairly dry. P4. 2it is important to understand the different policy’s that provide a healthy and safe environment for staff and children. My nursery follow the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) and the Reporting of Injuries and Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).When I have identified the hazard, the procedure, the setting would like me to take, is to clean it up straight away. This is so the children do not fall over and injure them self. It mentions in the health and safety policies that when there is a spillage on the floor you must clear the area and mop up the spillage. I now know how to follow the settings policies and procedure as I have a copy of them at home therefore I can keep looking through them and making sure I am following the rules.P4. 3- If this was to happen again I would act quicker in dealing with the situation because I noticed while I was clean up the spilt area more children was wantin g to come over and play with the water. However I think I acted well because I managed to see a hazard and act upon it straight away before any children slipped over. P4. 1- I have been involved in dealing with minor accidents and injuries in my setting. For example I have filled in two different accident forms ofincidents that I have witnessed, such as a child falling over and grazing a knee or arm. The procedure I took in this situation was to comfort the child who had fallen over and bring the child to a bench in the outdoor play area to sit down. I had a look at the graze on the left leg and then I then told the child that I was going to get a wet paper towel to put over the graze. I went into the classroom and got the wet paper towel and the accident form. I went back over the child and asked her if she would want to hold the towel on her leg.While she was holding it down I started to fill the form out, I wrote down her full name, her age, location of incident, the date on inci dent, what happened, were she hurt herself, the treatment she was given, then I had to write down my name as I was the witness, another member of staff who witnessed it and finally I had to put my signature. Once I finished filling the form out, I had another look at her grazed leg and it was looking better, I asked if she wanted to stay sitting down or if she wanted to go back and play again, she said she wanted to play so I let her go but I kept a close eye on her.P4. 2- An accident book is available which must be filled in if any child or member of staff sustains an injury whilst on the premises. Details of how, when, where and who the accident happened to must be recorded by the member of staff who saw and dealt with the injury. The treatment given must also be recorded. The child’s parent will be shown this information when the child is collected from nursery and requested to sign the form. If a child’s injury is more serious than the everyday bumps and bruises, t he parent will be contacted immediately and informed of the situation.Accident records are reviewed regularly during senior meetings. P4. 3- looking back now at this incident I think I acted positively trough out the incident, because comforted the child and acted upon the injury accurately. I think if this happened again I would ask for a member of the staff to help as I left the child alone of a little while and the child may of needed some with them for comfort while I went for the wet paper towel. Also I think I will look out for any safety hazards in the outdoor play area so the accident is prevented and no one else will hurt themselves.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Alibrandi essay Essay

In the movie Looking for Alibrandi, director Kate Woods uses many techniques to help you understand the main character, Josie. Some of these techniques are internal dialogue and voice-over narration, day-dream sequences and colour enhancement. All these techniques help viewers to have a better understanding of Josie’s character. The first technique that Woods uses that is very effective appears in an important part of the movie. Internal dialogue is used so that we can hear how Josie is feeling about the things she is going through. An example of this is in the opening scene when it is the Italian community’s â€Å"Tomato Day† and Italians get together to peel and stew tomatoes for tomato sauce. From voice-over narration we can hear Josie’s internal dialogue and understand that Josie doesn’t identify with this old-fashioned get together at all. We hear exactly what Josie thinks of it: â€Å"You might think this is all quirky and cute, but I find it really embarrassing. You would think we were still in Sicilly, but they left there 50 years ago†¦ I’ve got to get out of here! So therefore voice-over narration is a clever technique for helping viewers understand that Josie does not identify with her Italian-Australian heritage or the traditions they follow, and this is particularly useful in the opening scene because it explains what may lie at the heart of Josie’s challenges and conflicts to follow. The second technique used by the director to help us understand more about Josie is the day-dream sequence. Whenever Woods want the viewer to understand that Josie is having a day-dream the film is in slow motion and in sepia tones. An example of this is when Josie has a crush on John Barton, who is from a private boy’s school. She imagines herself standing beside John who is now the Premier of Australia and that she is Mrs Alibrandi-Barton. Cameras are snapping, tickertape is flying and reporters are wanting to speak to her. Another example of a day-dream sequence is when Josie is watching Carly, a very rich and spoiled daughter of a racist talk-back host, getting out of the car on the first day of school. We can tell its day-dream because suddenly Carly is walking very slowly and waving like a movie star. This scene shows us that Josie is very jealous of Carly because she is beautiful, rich and her family is friends with John’s. So therefore, Woods has helped viewers to understand that Josie has a strong imagination and how Josie feels about John Barton and Carly. Finally, Woods uses colour enhancement to help us understand more about Josie. This is when the director uses strong Sepia tonesto show us that Josie thinks what is happening is old-fashioned. At the very beginning of the opening scene viewers are presented with a panning shot of Josie’s Italian family busily making tomato sauce. We are given the impression that this is set some time in the past. When Josie starts talking the colour changes to full colour. From this technique we learn that Josie doesn’t regard ‘Tomato Day’ as part of her world, or the world of modern Australia. So therefore Woods’ use of strong sepia tonings right at the beginning of the opening scene helped us understand that Josie was straining against expressions of her Italian-Australian heritage. In the closing scene it is â€Å"Tomato Day† again but the whole thing is filmed in full-colour with Josie taking part in the stirring and dancing with Nona. Instead of escaping to the beach, she invites her friends in. This helps us understand that by the end of the movie, Josie is comfortable with her Italian-Australia heritage and has therefore overcome some major personal conflicts about her identity. In conclusion, in the movie Looking for Alibrandi, director Kate Woods was able to help viewers understand main character Josie’s opinions and conflicts through the verbal techniques of internal dialogue and voice-over narration, and visual techniques of day-dream sequences and strong sepia tones. The dialogue allowed us to understand what Josie was thinking and it lets you get into the frame of mind of the leading character of the movie. Day-dream sequences were important because they disclosed Josie’s fears and hopes for the future while strong sepia colour helped us to know that Josie thought that her family was old-fashioned.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategies for Promoting Ethical Decision Making in Health Care Essay

Strategies for Promoting Ethical Decision Making in Health Care Organizations - Essay Example Moral sensitivity and ethical awareness raises sensitivity to the details of the situation, case, or scenario, and promotes the professional to raise questions in order to justify the right and good, just and fair, respect for individual human dignity, benefits, and burdens. It signifies that ethical decision making a complex process with multiple angles with mainly social implications that tends to analyze factors such as ethical principles, social and interactional aspects, and situational and contextual factors. It is important to remain aware that all these factors need to be considered while making a decision in clinical practice. Taking the example of the issue of autonomic "right to die", this is common issue in clinical practice, especially in the critical care nursing practice. However, practically the issues surrounding death and dying is no longer simple for its legal implications and technological advances that can sustain life for unimaginable duration of time. In these situations, the nurses face dilemma for allocating resources to these patients, and this often enters into the decision making process. The patient's wishes and concerns of the family also impact decisions. For nurses, these ethical situations become more crucial due to invariable conflicts between professional duties and obligations and ethical responsibilities. This means the nurses are faced with the conflicts between the duty to meet the needs of the patients and the obligations to follow hospital policy in that particular issue, implying they are obligated to comply with doctor's orders and legal implications of various interventions and patient-related actions even though the ethical principles do not permit them. In the current scenario, the critical ethical principles will be examined in a critical manner based on this preamble and evidence for current policies would be sought as it is relevant to practice and clinical decision making (Vanlaere, L. and Gastmans, C., 2007). Case: This is the story of a 67-year-old man, who lost control of his vehicle and had struck a guardrail in a single-vehicle collision. He was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected through the windshield and sustained severely traumatic closed head and chest injuries. He was brought to the trauma center via helicopter and was admitted to the neurological intensive care unit. The staff provided support to the patient as per medical advice, and he was receiving mechanical ventilation and was unresponsive. Obviously he was surrounded by multiple invasive catheters and equipment. The trauma team briefly met the patient's daughter who was the only family present, soon after the admission, and they explained the grave prognosis of her father to her. This patient's care was complex, and the nurse preceptor along with a junior postgraduate nurse was administering the care. The investigations revealed that the patient had severe internal hemorrhage in the brain and in the chest, and some tra uma to the heart could not be ruled out. The patient was on mechanical ventilation through intubation, was in deep coma, was nil orally until the consciousness was restored. The other parameters that were being monitored did not show any sign of improvement, and the patient could not be stabilized to the required degree so as to be able to perform

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Partnership and limited liability partnership in the United States Essay

Partnership and limited liability partnership in the United States - Essay Example Humans have since time immemorial been considered social beings making partnership between individuals a common concept. Partnerships can as well exist between businesses, interest based organizations, schools, governments allowing for their nature and structure to be varied. Under this type of arrangement, partners agree to share their profits and losses and this mutual understanding is what allows them to operate efficiently (Wood 21). People engaging in partnerships often have varied reasons for their union. Some partner with others in order to increase their likelihood of achieving their goals when the situation calls for1. Others may partner simply to pool resources together in order to be able to participate effectively in the business world. While profits may be the driving force for some, strategic positioning is a major underlying reason for the formation of partnerships especially amongst those who are actively engaged in the business world. And because each member brings a long their own set of reasons for forming the alliance, partnerships have been marred with special challenges and issues. It is because of the dynamic nature of partnerships that the concept of civil law was introduced in their formation (Smith 16). An agreement is a symbolic tool of understanding between partners in any engagement. These agreements define each individual's goals, the company's overall goal, roles and responsibilities of each partner, lines of authority and succession, how achievements and shortcomings are to be classified, and most important, how resources are to be shared within the company. And because of the detailed nature of these agreements, they are required to be written down on paper and appropriately signed by all members in the partnership. This is done for future reference and each party often advised to keep a copy of the agreement. Articles of partnership are often drawn by the partners who are members of the partnership in order to make the document legally enforceable by law. (Smith 17). The roles of partners are often quite defining as to the nature with which they interact with the organization. In a general partnership, all partners manage the business and are personally liable for any expenses that are incurred during the management of the business. In the United States, there have been established limited liability partnerships which have got different features as compared to other forms of partnership2. A limited liability partnership accords its owners limited personal liability which is suitable for use in professional groups like accountants and lawyers3. The nature of Limited Liability Partnership These partnerships are often preferred because one partner does not wish to be liable for the problems or mistakes made by other partners within the organization. This is often the case is malpractice claims that may prove detrimental to the company even if they are fully enforceable by law4. In the case of malpractice clai ms, LLP protects each partner from any costs or expenses arising from any malpractice lawsuits that may be leveled against one partner5. Overall, LLP's have similar advantages as those realized in limited partnerships. One can still take part in the management of the business in an active manner, without exposing themselves to personal liability for the decisions and actions undertaken by the other partners beyond the value of their investment in the arrangement.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Interaction Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interaction Design - Assignment Example 9. No, system should concentrate on technical issues. Response Sheet for Gardener # 2 1. Yes, I would like to have a good system in place help me in gardening. 2. I would like the system to be my best counselor in gardening. 3. Yes, of course I can share my experiences with my system. 4. Yes, the system should tell me the right time to grow a specific time. 5. No, I would like system to tell me about pesticide. 6. Yes, system should give me weather update. 7. No, I will plan next crop myself. 8. I would like to have several custom and some prebuilt reports from the system. 9. No, system should concentrate on technical issues. Response Sheet for Gardener # 3 1. Yes, I think system can help me in gardening. 2. I would like the system to be my best counselor in gardening. 3. Yes, I would like to add intelligence in my system. 4. Yes, the system should tell me the right time to grow a specific time. 5. No, I would like system to tell me about pesticide. 6. Yes, system should give me weat her update. 7. No, I will plan next crop myself. 8. I would like to have several custom and some prebuilt reports from the system. 9. It is good I system can predict my plans. Response Sheet for Gardener # 4 1. Yes, I would like to have a good system in place help me in gardening. 2. I would like the system to be my best counselor in gardening. 3. Yes, of course I can share my experiences with my system. 4. ... Document Trail In order to consolidate the findings of questionnaire and response of interviewees on various aspect of the system, now is the time to incorporate some researched based semantic contents into this report. There is a lot of material available in gardening books written by domain experts. Moreover, there are online forums, web sites that can provide some good insight into the practices that gardeners follow, and that can be utilized to enhance the contents of the proposed Blossom Gardening System (BGS). The importance and utility of home gardening is far greater than it is usually perceived as being a hobby and creative pastime. It can even be utilized for developmental purposes. Ehui, John, Okike & Rockefeller (2004, p. 158) have pointed out the same fact, â€Å"The involvement of governments in support of gardening has been minimal, and generally only the health and nutrition sectors get involved. Ministries of Agriculture (MoAs) tend to discount the actual or potenti al importance of home gardening as a developmental strategy. † Home gardening also enhance the aesthetic sense of the gardener and additionally can be helpful in bridging the chasm between urban and rural lifestyles. Moreover, gardening can bring about the peace and comfort in personal and social life. (Zimmerer, p. 137) Blossom Gardening System (BGS) will be designed to augment the expertise of gardeners of every level. It will provide useful tips and techniques widely employed by these gardeners. This section is the most important segment of BGS as most of the gardeners will love to have latest updates in the field, like new plants getting in, new cures and tricks, weather effect updates, garden preparations for new season so on and so forth. The program can

Organ Transplant Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organ Transplant - Research Paper Example In the U.S alone over 28,000 patients under transplant surgeries and over half of these surgeries are kidneys transplants while a quarter are liver transplants. Process of Organ Transplantation Organ transplantation calls for therapeutic usage of organs to replace a non-functional organ. However, the medical process is quite complex since organ transplantation comes with its own bag of complications and challenges. Keeping aside the legal issues and paperwork involved, the first step i.e. procurement of a healthy donor is a mammoth task since it care should be taken that the blood types of the recipient as well as the donor matches since â€Å"fate of a graft depends not only on excellent surgery with avoidance of damage to the organ in the process, but, as indicated above, the degree of HLA matching of donor and recipient is crucial in any approach to tolerance† (Calne, 2005, p1979). One a suitable candidate is found the healthy organ is harvested carefully and the damaged or gan in the recipient’s body is surgically replaced with the new healthy organ. Post-surgery, the newly replaced organ is kept under observation to detect rejection by the recipient’s body. Immunosuppressant drugs are administered to help the body accept the new organ and gradually integrate it in the patient’s body as its own. ... Such phenomena lead to organ rejection or blood transfusion reaction. Heavy immunosuppressant drugs are therefore administered after a transplant surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to match the donor and receiver’s blood so that the organ acceptation by the receiver’s body is smoother. The rejection mechanism of allograft kidney transplantation was studies and it was seen that â€Å"the most common form of acute allograft rejection is initiated when donor alloantigens are presented to the T lymphocytes of the recipient by antigen-presenting cell (APC’s) â€Å"(Schwartz, 2010, p1453). A new study shows that Jagged2 plays an important role in accelerating heart transplants or cardiac tissue grafts since its signaling affects the acceptation rate of graft by regulating interleukin-6 (Riella et al, 2013, 1449). Ethics and Importance of Organ Donation Becoming a donor is a tough choice for many. There are 2 types of donor-living donor and deceased donor. Organ dona tion is an important choice that can save a lot of lives however, organ donation, in many parts of the world, has rapidly emerged into a trade. For example, poor people sell one of their kidneys to the rich and since The risk involved in nephrectomy is not in itself high, and most people regard it as acceptable for living related donors (Radcliffe, 1998, p1951). However some people find the procedure too invasive and thereby refuse the whole idea of organ transplantation (NHMRC,1997,P12). Brain death and organ donation Organs are procured from cadavers however brain dead individuals provide fresher organs for harvest. This, stirs up an ethical issue since complete loss of brain function needs to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sexual Orientation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sexual Orientation - Case Study Example Has one ever heard a discussion on the topic, â€Å"Men-their role in the society?† The discussion is always about women. Men have, perhaps, no role! At the secular level, the never-ending talk of giving equal rights to women goes on. How can one give equal rights to women? God has created her, given her the status of more equal. She gives protection for the initial nine months to the divine creative force of the nature-male or female! But unfortunately, in practical terms, we find that a female child is victimized, psychologically brutalized, at every stage of her life on innumerable counts. The sexual orientation identity and development befitting the women characters in the movie based upon the bestselling novel written by Amy Tan, needs to be understood in the context of the backgrounder information of the plight of the girl-child in the society. In a country like America, an immigrant woman suffers from the problems of sexual orientation and identity. In this particular movie the character of Jing-mei (June) Woo is a concrete example of adjusting the life situations and challenges in a cross-cultural scenario. It is no easy task to build a bridge between the two generations. How to flow together harmoniously through the jumble of circumstances and life-situations? A woman turns out to be a conglomeration of several personality traits psychologically, as she is born, bred and brought up in two different set of circumstances. Her psychology is continuously called upon to play the dual role. How to find a common identity, a common goal and to be precise a common all, amidst the duality of influences of pre and post-immigration life-styles? â€Å"Structurally, her narratives serve as bridges between the two generations of storytellers, as Jing-mei speaks both for herself and for her recently deceased mother, Suyuan. Jing-mei a lso bridges America and China. When she travels to China, she discovers the Chinese essence within

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Flexibility in Education in order to cut cost in college. E.g allowing Essay

Flexibility in Education in order to cut cost in college. E.g allowing students not to take classes not related to there major and still graduate - Essay Example Community colleges also have a reduced cost of tuition, as they charge a fraction of what regular colleges charge thus the debt incurred by students is low. Another way of reducing the cost of college education is allowing for dual enrollment programs where students do not have to go through all their classes in college. It also reduces the workload on the students by removing unnecessary requirements that only bloat their duties as students. This can be done by colleges cooperating with high schools in order to accumulate credits and higher placement in college. With this option, students will not have to go through the burden of classes as some of the courses will have been covered in high school. Joining college with early credits, cuts costs by an enormous margin and the advanced placement cuts the number of classes that one has to attend (Vedder et al. 8). Furthermore, colleges can offer reduced time to students to complete their degree programs. This is by offering 3-year programs instead of four by streamlining the curriculum significantly (Vedder et al. 26). Reduced amount of time in completing a program can be done by offering online courses, summer sessions and taking increases credit hours per semester. As a result, students will end up saving their finances and time for other productive purposes. This is unlike having a 4-year program in which students pay dearly for each semester, and the cost at the end of the 4 years is enormous. In addition, eradicating unnecessary programs also cuts the cost of college education by removing courses that bloat the curriculum.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Methods Paper- Explore either Attraction or Procrastination Essay

Research Methods Paper- Explore either Attraction or Procrastination - Essay Example In particular, this research would dwell on the influence of physical looks in developing a romantic relationship. The study would use the normative survey technique under descriptive method of research. Descriptive normative survey is a fact finding study which goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. This approach attempts to establish norms or standards based on a wide class of survey data. In addition, it is used to collect demographics data about people’s behavior, practices, intentions, beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and judgments. Since this research is concerned with commonality of some elements, the researchers would be able to gather adequate and accurate interpretations on the attitudes of young people’s valuing of physical looks when engaging in a romantic relationship. The survey method was chosen for this project since it is an inexpensive way of collecting even a large amount of data. However, a survey can also be a failure if the questionnaire is poorly constructed and the implementation of the survey was not well monitored. Also, participants may have ambivalent answers when confronted with an answer choice. It must also be taken into account that bias can also occur when the sampling is not properly considered. Nevertheless, the survey method would best fit the needs of this research since the subjects are high school students and their perception cannot be quantified. The instrument that would be used to collect data is the questionnaire. This was chosen because it gathers data faster than any other method. Besides, the respondents are high school students 13-16 who could easily read the questionnaires with ease and full privacy. Also, this method is easy to use for a large number of participants and can be arranged and quantified since it supplies standardized answers. Each question would be assigned a numerical code to ease the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Using Social Networking to facilitate learning in CPUT for IT students Research Proposal

Using Social Networking to facilitate learning in CPUT for IT students - Research Proposal Example e majorly because many people can access the internet Students in the information and technology department in CPUT should be given an opportunity to apply this social network in learning. This will provide a tremendous opportunity for the students to not only improve their performance because of the interesting way of learning but also get to share ideas that could assist individual students in their learning. Form the literature reviews that I have done so far, I have found out that there have been many researchers worldwide looking on social networking and university students. Anna Martinez conducted a research on this field but looked more on how students are using social networking on the social aspect only in the journal ‘online social networking on campus. There has however been no research on using social networking to facilitate learning. My research will be on how social networking can facilitate learning. The proposed research approach is qualitative approach. It is aimed at getting the students view on using social networking to facilitate learning IT in CPUT. I will use formal and informal interviews as the primary research method. I will place adverts on the school notice boards informing students that I am carrying the research. This will make it easy to obtain interviewees and when I go to the classes to conduct interviews students will already be aware of what I am doing. I will record the interviews in tapes with each recording not more than fifteen minutes long. The questions asked will be majorly open ended, like for example, ‘how do you think social networking can facilitate learning ?’. The motivation for choosing subjects to be interviewed is that the students will have most of the information. Interviewing ten students form every year of study will be the most convenient number. The motivation for this the is fact that time might be an issue while conducting the interviews. It is anticipated that different individuals will have

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human’s Wisdom from Environment Essay Example for Free

Human’s Wisdom from Environment Essay The relationship between the Bangal tiger Richard parker and Pi Patel is the main focus in the novel ‘Life of Pi’.Their relationship are continually changing and it is the struggle for survival makes them need to change.A long time ago,human are weaker than animal as they don’t have strong body as animal .They do not have the sharp claws as Richard Parker does to protect themselves. However,as time going on ,human starts to dominate the earth by creating their own technology and weapon to protect themselves.The change of the relationship between Pi and Richard Parker can be seen as how human developed their skill from learning skill from the animals. In the beginning of the surivial adventure,Richard Parker is always the one who dominate the boat ,he can walk wherever he likes and to scare Pi to get off the boat because he has a much stronger power than Pi has. However,at the end,Pi is actually the one who takes control over Richard Parker and force Richard to follow his command.He does it by using the method which our ancestors used before in history.He used his weapon for attack,turtle shells for defence and his whistles for calling people to come rescue.This can shows human’s wisdom over the animal. The other thing which interested me in this novel is how Pi can adapt the new environment so quickly,he losts a lot of thing that we think we need to use in our daily life,he doesn’t have a phone,map or anything to guide him the direction or call for help.However,he reverted to the animals ways which his ancestors did before.When he arrived on the island , he started to analyze the environment and realize that the water is acidic there and it is dangerous for him to stay there . Also ,he marked down all the animal ‘s rountine.He learned some habits from Richard Parker and he did the same thing as Richard does.He adapt to become something Richard can used to live with.This remind me one extrodinary person in history which is Darwin.Charles Robert Darwin is an English naturalist.He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors.The thing amaze me is Darwin did the same thing as Pi does,both of them do journal to record down what they experience and learned.When we looked back to the beginning of the novel, the zebra couldn’t adapt because it was injured ,and become the first animal to dead . Then the orangutan couldn’t adapt to the foreign environment so he was eaten by the hyena.Lastly the hyena couldn’t adapt to the new threat ,which is the tiger,therefore it get killed by Richard.However, for Pi ,he worked in zoo before so he know some of the animals behavior and that’s why he can prepare the protection for himselves first.This show s human can be adaptable to the nature as if they have enough knowledge of the environment and animal ,and the knowledge come from the analyze towards animal’s habit,that’s what make huaman on top of the food chain. Of course,it is not necessary for us to go to an island and learned all those skills because we can learn those skill from our biology book now.We should really thankful for those people who does the research before.Throughout this novel,the author Yann Martel shows us what do we need to adapt through conflict,which can also apply to our life.When we have difficulty towards our life,we should not feel panic,instead ,we should keep calm and analyze the problem we have in order to find out the solution for it.

The Cold War in Europe Essay Example for Free

The Cold War in Europe Essay How far do you agree that the Cold War in Europe broke out because Soviet and Western leaders misinterpreted each others words and actions? The Cold War broke out in 1945 (although some have argued other years) with the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences. They were held to discuss what was to be done with the peace of Europe and how to rebuild the damage that had been caused. It was at these meetings that the Americans and Russians slowly began to mistrust one another, even though they were previously war-time allies. During the Potsdam Conference in July/August of 1945, America declared that they had tested the first Atomic Bomb (which President Harry Truman referred to as the greatest thing in history). Stalin was suspicious as to why America had not told him previously, and after this, relations spiraled down rapidly. But it was at this time that Americas suspicions of the USSR were beginning to settle in and it was Harry Truman who later said that unless Russia is faced with an iron fist and strong language another war is in the making Their first misinterpretation was over the issue of Poland and what was to happen to it now that the war was over. Russia had been attacked through this country on numerous occasions, including World War 1 and 2 and had lost approximately 25 million people, 700 towns destroyed and their steel industry cut by half. They were keen to dominate and occupy most of the land in order to prevent any further attacks through this country. On the other hand, Britain had gone to war over Poland and was keen for it to remain independent. Also, there was a Polish Government who had been forced into exile at the beginning of the war and Britain was now keen for them to return to power. As for America, they became extremely suspicious of Russias plans and believed that Russia merely wanted to spread Communism. Unlike at the end of World War 1, they were determined not to appease Stalin as Britain had done with Hitler. It should be remembered that they did have the right to believe that Stalin only had the intentions of spreading communism through the quotation of Karl Marx. He declared that We are living not merely in a state, but in a system of states and its inconceivable that the Soviet Republic should continue to exist for a long period side-by-side with imperialist states. The Warsaw Pact and Marshall Aid are other examples of how the two great powers misunderstood each other, thus causing a start of the Cold War. Western suspicions rose to a height when Stalin refused to allow Marshall Aid to be distributed to Soviet-occupied countries. As a result, the Warsaw Pact was created in retaliation. It could have actually been an attack towards the West, or Stalin trying to hold together his buffer states and prevent them from turning to Capitalism. There are some smaller matters that show that the Cold War was the result of misunderstandings. For example, the Long Telegram, this was written by George Kennan in February 1946. George Kennan was the USAs Deputy Chief of Mission to the US Embassy in Moscow and in a telegram he declared that the Soviets were aggressive and suspicious and only a hard-line approach would contain Communism. It declared that world communism is like a malignant parasite that feeds on diseased tissue. It [the USSR] does not take unnecessary risks. Impervious to the logic of reason. It is highly sensitive to the logic of force thus, if the adversary [the USA] has sufficient force and makes clear his readiness to use it, he rarely has to do so. Taking this evidence from the eyes of a Revolutionist thinker, it can be said that George Kennan was rash and presumed this with little prior knowledge. But there were other factors which led to the beginning of the Cold War. People such as Vojtech Mastny have accused Stalin as being the sole man to cause the Cold War. He regarded Stalins foreign policy in Eastern Europe as the cause of the Cold War. His Red Army liberated land, therefore claiming it to be theirs. To the USA, this looked aggressive and a determined effort at spreading World Communism. The Berlin Blockade was the first direct attack on the West from the Soviet Union. It started when Berlin was divided into 4 parts and these 3 parts that belonged to the West were surrounded by Soviet territory. This upset and frightened Stalin as he believed that they would influence his Eastern Berlin and Germany. In rebellion, he closed of all the main routes by land, sea and road that lead into West Berlin. In response to this, America began to send in 450 aeroplanes of food and other supplies each day in order to prevent West Berlin from collapse. The America viewed all of this as a first attack on them and so serious action was necessary. But, although it may have seemed like the Soviets wanted to starve all the West Berliners to death, he probably wanted to prevent the emergence of a separate West German state under US influence (West Berlin was improving its economy greatly and the currency had even been changed). In response to all of this, America created NATO, which was a military alliance aimed against further Soviet aggression. And so, although it was seen as the first attack, there are also underlying misunderstandings to be considered. Some other explanations include the fact that it was simply inevitable. The end of the war left a power-vacuum in which countries such as Eastern Europe and Germany sucked the Powers in and so aggression would naturally occur. Louis Halle, the author of The Cold War as History once stated that the decision to eliminate German power from Europe rather than make peace was the basic cause of the Cold War. The collapse of the Grand Alliance can also have been seen as inevitable. During the Yalta Conference, the war-time allies spoke and they all generally agreed on matters. But by the time the Potsdam Conference came a few months later, Roosevelt had died and been replaced with Harry Truman and Winston Churchill had been replaced with George Atlee. Only Stalin remained and this meant that neither of the other powers really knew him. They became suspicious quickly and disliked everything he did. It can be said that as a result of all of this, the Grand Alliance was destined to collapse and then after that tensions rose and the Cold War began. Another reason can be seen in the Commonwealth and other such countries that were occupied by the Powers, only in this case it was Britain, France and Portugal who suffered the power-vacuum. Many of these countries had been promised independence if they fought with their occupying country and now that the war was over they were independent and left vulnerable to Communism. The Soviet Union would naturally spread into these countries and as a result, the USA would become suspicious of the Soviet Union. Also the fact that all the countries had suffered badly during the war (with the exception of America, whos industry had doubled) meant that they were all desperate to regain their reputation in World Status and so felt that by gaining land would they become more powerful. And so, with many of the countries trying to rebuild their prestige, arguments and suspicion would naturally arise. The USSR had also just become a World Leader and after many years of shying away, they felt that they needed to exert their power, although this could be a much debated view and one usually take by a Traditionalist thinker. There has been much debate over who really started the Cold War. A traditionalist thinker would say that it was the doings of the Soviet Union, whereas a Revolutionist would say that America was to blame and finally a Post-Revolutionist would say that it was the work of both Powers. A traditionalist would argue that Russia only had plans to spread Communism in an aggressive manner and Britain and the USA were only trying to be defensive. On the other hand, a Revolutionist would assert that it was the Americans who were all to blame and that they were aggressive even before the start of the Second World War. And so in conclusion, I would say that the Cold War was a result of mainly misunderstandings but it should be remembered that there were many other reasons as to why the USA and the USSR became so suspicious of each other, for example, the fact that there was a huge power-vacuum both around the world and in Europe and the Berlin Blockade of 1948.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Journalism In The Digital Era

Journalism In The Digital Era The arrival of the World Wide Web in the empire of journalism has led to uncertainty and confusion, unless someone is clear whether this change should be a source of hope or desperation. There seems to be consensus only around a major contradiction: that we live in the best of times for journalism and also the worst. There has never been a better time to make written journalism, and there has never been a worse to earn a living out of it. There are more opportunities and market than ever before, but less income based on industry trends. The decline trend is experienced across major national newspaper such as the Washington Post, publisher of the newspaper and Newsweek magazine, which reported back in 2009 a fourth- quarter profit fell by 77 percent as advertising sales declined and a wrote down the value of some assets. The trend is higher in United States, where it is often where we see major trends to start happening before we see the impact in the rest of the world. The picture is not looking very promising since the average number of newspapers sold has fallen from 62 million to 49 million since the Internet launched back in 1990s and it started to become accessible to all. Many newspapers have been forced to stop printing on paper due to profit loss. In the same period, the number of readers of digital journalism at United States has promoted from zero to 75 million. In the other hand revenue generated from advertising, which is the primary revenue of journalism on paper, has reduced profits dramatically, which has resulted in large amounts of dismissals or, for those who have had more luck, of early retirement. An interesting fact in this process is that there are actually many more readers, but a terrible pressure on the money and resources. For this reason the Post and The New York Times have lost money since 2008 for the first time in 50 years and based on industry forecasters with a pessimist outlook, predict that many more problems are to come. And although the same is true on almost all sectors of the economy, the difference lies in that the business of journalism has received a double shock since it is also being impacted by the revolution of the Internet. The technology advancements and innovations have been some of the drivers of what we called as globalizati on which is helping in many aspects of our society but at the same time has created a global crisis which is accelerating the inevitable impact of the digital revolution. There are many industry experts who agree that there is no force capable of preventing the extinction of the journalism, not only on paper, but as a concept, but in the other hand there are also many who believe that it will just disappear in the way that we know it to become purely local journalism kind of Facebook or even just become newspapers of a greater global reach. But the big questions that nobody seems to be able to answer; how can we continue making profit with journalism? Or would it just disappear? It is important to look at the big picture since this is something more than just the survival of a sector from our economy. Newspapers have played a central role in society over the past 200 years. They affect by influencing in the power of governments, the money from the companies and the entertainment of our society. For that same reason many of those same groups have also debated what will the future be like? In general there are three main groups coming up with their understanding of what the future holds for journalism: one that understands the way we know newspaper during the last 200 years will totally disappear, the other one is the one that believes it will re-invent and make important changes and adjust, adapt and embrace new trends, and the other one which is not clear what really the future will hold. Clay Shirky, who is an American writer, consultant and teacher on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies, is very sure that there is really not much that can be done. He claims; There is no model to replace what Internet has just destroyed. It is very clear that media communication has been at the heart of the revolution, and the challenges generated by the introduction of the Internet, and although it was obvious during the last two decades that they had to adapt and change, they have not been cleared on what the future business model of journalism in the digital era should look like. The only thing which is clear is that the current business model of journalism cannot be preserved. In the other group we have people like Bill Keller, director of The New York Times, who urges to review all the options, and put everything to the test. Based on experts forecasts, the future newspaper will become a mixture of printed and online, where content growth online compensate the decline of print media. Another industry expert is Earl J. Wilkinson, executive director of the International Newsmedia Marketing Association. Wilkinson is more conservative and has come up to the conclusion that the death of the newspaper is one of the great exaggerations stemming from the economic collapse of today. Another industry expert is Philip Bennett, who has conducted research for The Washington Post to investigate digital formulas to prevent the disappearance of the journalism business, and he is not in agreement that nothing, nothing works. He said: I believe that the era of the newspaper is finished, that the debate should focus not on the survival of the newspaper, but in the survival of journalism as we have understood. The United States discussion on the future of journalism is more negative, but it is important to keep in mind that it is also here in US where more people have access to the internet. A similar phenomenon is observed in the United Kingdom. To go to the other extreme, in China, India and Africa, where access to the network is still reserved for a privileged minority, the debate isnt so alarming, and the role of journalism the way we have always knew it, is still very viable. What is happening in United States should serve as a warning about what will happen in Europe and the rest of the world. There is no reason to suppose that if large American newspapers for nearly 200 years closed and are now transitioning to online media, that this wont be a trend that we could see across other countries. There have been other industry experts who believe in the importance to track and understand public reading patterns. They believe that in order to become more effective in the industry and star t capturing revenue, it will be critical to print more systematic, and with more content flexibility. They add that on certain days the newspaper may concentrate on certain issues; for example Mondays can be dedicated to have more space starting with the first page, to sports. Newspapers will be leaving behind its practice of losing money in the lazy days and concentrate its resources on the strong days. There is also a strong argument which is important to be considered in the debate, and it is the point around the individual newspaper and intimate connection with the reader. This is something that the latest technology is not able to establish, even with kindle, and the new tools to read books. In some very interesting ways, reading media is associated and becomes part of persons identity. It is an individual relationship with an object which in turn becomes social. Can this type of relationship be created outside of the printing paper with an object? We have seen similar relation ships with phone mobiles which are also objects. The threat to newspapers will be once a similar relationship is established with an object which people feel is a good substitute to the newspaper. One additional challenge we need to explore is the dynamics that we are seeing in media which people like Robert Thomson (director of The Wall Street Journal) call Web sites parasites. For example, major newspapers make huge investment to come up with a final product which is a story written by a correspondent in the other side of the world just to see it appears instantly and for free in one of the countless Internet portals. Another challenge for journalistic content on the Internet is telephone companies that sell access to the network. Meanwhile, those who have invested money into the final product end up losing it or in other words not maximizing their investment. All these trends have had a catastrophic impact to many major newspapers. The Seattle Post Intelligencer, with 146 years of life, turned off their recently printing machines, reducing its drafting of 167 just to 20 editors limiting just to generate, a digital newspaper. The Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco Chronicle, due to decline in subscribers, is another example of major newspapers which had to close business or change to a digital format. The problem, and what brings us back to the big question of how to keep making profit with journalism, is that so far it has shown that digital advertising is not approaching nearly to the profitability of advertising in paper. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, to transition from newspapers print format to just an online business model means to lose 90% of income. The major issue is to define and establish a business model since there is really none. The challenge is to change the production model of the newspaper, making it to continue to keep the high margins of profitability achieved since its creation. How we can keep making money? How to keep journalism alive? This is a global revolution that we are living, and perhaps answers to these questions could be found in the so-called countries in development, where the absence of old structures are forced to start from scratch, to create new companies adapted to todays technological reality, not the ones of the industrial revolution. An option that has been proposed with enthusiasm in the pages of The New York Times and Time magazine is based on the idea of saving journalism in the same way that has saved to a certain extent, to the music industry: using a method similar to micropayments of I-tunes, music purchased on the Internet, to the purchase of items. There are groups who see this very challenging and not to equal comparison because in reality a downloaded song is forever, while a news expires on a day. Anyway, it is certain that the method of t he micropayment would a good option to test. The key would be to discover, come up with a flexible procedure which would be paid, for example, three cents to read a particular article, and perhaps 50 to have unrestricted access to the web page of a newspaper for 24 hours. Another idea to keep afloat the newspapers on-line, is the payment for subscription on the web. The Wall Street Journal has done, with some success. However, it is important to make the observation that it is an exceptional case because it offers a very specialized financial service and more than half of the payments are made by companies and not regular readers. General news of interest to readers not business sports results, air accidents, declarations of politicians can be obtained free through countless sources, far beyond the traditional newspapers. In addition we need to keep in mind that even if there could be a group of people willing to pay to read exclusive news, the reality is that the income generated does not compensate for the inevitable losses of advertising. If journalism is in crisis today, as it is the world economy, it is largely by the tendency of people to believe that the circumstances of today are going to always play. What would happen if a new invention comes up that improves Internet? Or, although Internet remains as a means of communication, what happens if people change their habits? Everyone seems to assume that, given that 20 year-olds do not read on paper, have chosen a digital display as their preferred method of communicating with people and find out whats happening in the world. But, what happens if children today decide to change the current digital trend and start looking for a visual and tactile contact with not virtual people, but physical option. The great comfort of the journalist, or which aspires to be, is that what he does not become an old fashion. It has existed and has been in continuous demand long before the emergence of the Internet; long bef ore the first printing press; even before, even though the invention of the wheel. I really believe there will always be a market for those who have something to tell or inform. People will continue with a need to tell and hear stories, and while this is so, the newspapers have a hope. If a viable business model for journalism is not defined it is possible that the number of newspapers keeps trimming and that fewer people earn bread doing journalism. But, in the worst case, the good guys survive. Newspapers, in the format that is, responding more effectively to educate and amuse will also prevail. The New York Times is a good example on how to leverage the benefits from the digital era, based on its popularity not only in traditional format but also online. And thats because it has in its ranks to large counters of stories, journalists who are effective in their work. In the end, what lasts, as the great novels, is the quality. Internet blog site: Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Its Time to Abolish The Penny! Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essa

Between 2001 and 2006, there has been an increase of .6 cents for the reproduction of the penny. This increase displays economic problems that may lead to fatal ones. The penny is composed of 2% copper and 98% zinc. These elements are exponentially in demand causing the price of these materials to skyrocket. Many Americans think the penny is putting our country in jeopardy with financial losses. This meaningless coin is losing money for the mint, and should be abolished. The penny costs 1.4 cents to manufacture each time at the mint. This is causing the mint to lose money for the treasury. Last year, the mint earned $730 million dollars in profit. Many mint officials claim the estimation will be about $45 million due to the cost of metals made in pennies. Our country is continuing to have a very strong economy with the stock markets going up. The penny might affect these benefits from the rapid production of these coins. Copper and zinc are the main elements that compose the penny. With the rising costs of these elements, the economy may back up a bit. Because of this, the U.S. mint should reduce their penny production. The Lincoln penny has produced excessive amounts that has resulted in outrageous mintage numbering into the billions. While the cent production has surpassed the one billion count in the 1950's, a change has taken place. The Denver Mint had assumed the role as the nation's main source for the Lincoln pennies. The 1952 production of 746,130,000 D-mint cents quadrupled the Philadelphia output. As a result, Denver struck more than one billion Lincolns in the late 1950's. Into the era of the 60's, Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco minted a total over 33 billion coins. The penny production d... ... across the country. An item costing $9.99 sounds a lot better than $10.00. Putting the price into double digits may influence the customer of declining the item that he/she wants. With the rising costs of the nickel, this could lead to rounding up prices to the nearest dime. There's so many results that could happen in our country's future. This change could lead to disastrous outcomes but satisfying ones as well. Today, the small cent is once again too expensive to produce, and too irrelevant to bother with. Eliminate the cent and round all cash purchases to the nearest nickel. There will not be a gain or a loss from two more cents on the transaction. There won't be any dwelling over the situation. It is time for the United States of America to grow up and abolish this meaningless Lincoln penny. The penny has been a complete fiasco. Let the cent go!

Friday, July 19, 2019

My City on the Mountain :: Personal Narrative College Flagstaff Essays

My City on the Mountain Flagstaff, Arizona to me has been â€Å"The City on the Hill† with its seemingly beautiful light shining down on to me in the Valley of the Sun. I have planned my get away up the mountain (as Phoenicians refer to going to Flagstaff) as long as I can remember. Ever since I was old enough to know what a college really was I have known I was going to be attending Northern Arizona University in the fall of 2004. The thought of cool mountain air blowing against my face each morning, sure made the wall of heat that actually surrounded my body each time I stepped out side seem unbearable. Living in a place with pine tree and four seasons filled my every dream. Northern Arizona University was to be my escape from Chandler and my place for a new start. Once there I expected to find new friends, new and better classes, and a place where I could spread my wings. When the day finally came to make my big move to Flagstaff, I was more nervous than I ever imagined was possible. Questions continually came to mind. What if I forgot something important from my room? What if I didn’t like my roommate? What if I did not make friends? And the what-if’s didn’t end there, but they were softened when I finally reached campus and was warmly welcomed by those who had moved in before me. Yet, the fears of actual friendship loomed in the back of my mind. As welcome week progressed I was able to start to meet people more and more like me. Although at times it seemed unbearably hard being as shy as I can be. Through each activity I was involved in I met people I liked, and even some that really were not the type of people I was interested in. Dreams of friends were becoming a reality and the fears in the back of my mind were slowly being quieted.

Peter Voulkos Ceramist Essay -- Essays Papers

Peter Voulkos Ceramist The exhibition of recent stoneware vessels by Peter Voulkos at Frank Lloyd Gallery featured the sort of work on which the artist established reputation in the 1950s. The work was greeted with stunned amazement. However now it is too, but it's amazement of a different order -- the kind that comes from being in the presence of effortless artistic mastery. These astonishing vessels are truly amaising. Every ceramic artist knows that what goes into a kiln looks very different from what comes out, and although what comes out can be controlled to varying degrees, it's never certain. Uncertainty feels actively courted in Voulkos' vessels, and this embrace of chance gives them a surprisingly contradictory sense of ease. Critical to the emergence of a significant art scene in Los Angeles in the second half of the 1950s, the 75-year-old artist has lived in Northern California since 1959 and this was his only second solo show in an L.A gallery in 30 years.†These days, L.A. is recognized as a center for the production of contemporary art. But in the 1950s, the scene was slim -- few galleries and fewer museums. Despite the obscurity, a handful of solitary and determined artists broke ground here, stretching the inflexible definitions of what constitutes painting, sculpture and other media. Among these avant-gardists was Peter Voulkos.† In 1954, Voulkos was hired as chairman of the fledgling ceramics department at the L.A. County Art Institute, now Otis College of Art and Design, and during the five years that followed, he led what came to be known as the "Clay Revolution." Students like John Mason, Paul Soldner, Ken Price and Billy Al Bengston, all of whom went on to become respected artists, were among his foot soldiers in the battle to free clay from its handicraft associations. By the late 1950s, Voulkos had established an international reputation for his muscular fired-clay sculptures, which melded Zen attitudes toward chance with the emotional fervor of Abstract Expressionist painting. Some 20 works -- including five "Stacks" (4-foot-tall sculptures) as well as giant slashed-and-gouged plates and works on paper -- recently went on view at the Frank Lloyd Gallery. This non single show is his first at a Los Angeles gallery in 13 years, although a survey of his work was seen at the Newport Harbor Art Museum (presently carries a different... ... office of Tishman Realty. Despite this two-decade foray into bronze, Voulkos remained committed to pushing the boundaries of possibility in ceramics. From 1979 to 1984, he concentrated on firing plates and then the vessel-shaped "stacks" in an anagama, a Japanese wood-burning kiln. Inspired by the Haniwa figures and Momoyama period ceramics of Japan, Voulkos let the ash and soot from the firing process in the kiln decorate the irregular surface of the clay. "There was a certain kind of casualness about some of the Japanese ceramics that I liked. There can be a big crack in the pot caused by the kiln, and the piece becomes a national treasure," he says. The 1980s brought about a serious personal challenge, however. By mid-decade, he was forced to confront his addiction to cocaine and enter a rehabilitation facility. In 1989, he returned to his ceramic sculpture with a sense of renewed purpose and a more incisive and controlled sense of composition. During the '90s, he has regaine d the confidence in the process. Although retired from UC Berkeley, Voulkos still thrives as a teacher, spending about four months of each year on the road doing seminars. Bibliography: Peter Voulkos

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bead Bar Consultant Activity

The information technology aspect is a rapidly booming industry in the present influences almost all of the relevant activities in the social and economic fields. Because of this significant influence, most of the major social and economic industries rely much to the value of information and the effects of their exchange in the operations of each respective organization. However, because of the dependence of most economic and social transactions to the value of information, several risk issues are now being considered influential and significant to the information operations.Included in this aspect are the security threats imposed by (1) poorly written software or improperly configured systems, (2) computer viruses and worms, (3) external breaches, and (4) internal breaches. The first issue posts some significant threat because poorly written or configured software are more vulnerable to breach attack and viruses. Aside from this, poorly made softwares are also likely to become unsta ble and unreliable for actual use because of the negative characteristics that are likely to have been overlooked in the use of the system.Computer viruses and worms on the other hand tend to alter the normal processes in the information system causing significant leaks or instability in the operations. External and internal breaches are both threats on the literal means as they manifest unauthorized access to the informations though they vary only from the nature of the source. 2. Develop a security awareness-training plan for employees and franchisees. Knowing the significant threats to information security is an important aspect in the development of a security awareness plan for each organization.In general, the plan must be able to address each of the known threats including anticipation, development of a defense, and the prevention of future occurrences. The security awareness plan must classify mainly into two approaches namely the information protection and the physical secu rity plan. The first encompassed the protection of the information through firewalls and security system, the protection of the storage facilities, and the access of these informations. The physical security must encompassed the actual factors involve in the protection such as the people involved in the information and others.The security plan must mainly anticipate the threat through developing a protection against known breach and virus infection, scrutinize and identify the access, prevent any unauthorized connection, and report the possibilities of leaks and the cases of intrusion. Most importantly in the security plan is the constant update, regular development and the close monitoring of the protection system to ensure its effectiveness and reliability against the threats to the information system. 3.Which Internet-based data backup plans should be used? Part of the security plan, which the organization itself must consider critically, is the aspect of recovery and backup for any intrusion disaster to their information system. Included in this concern is the backup system of the information system and operation of the organization, which is significant for their recovery process. Some of the common approaches to address this need are establishing a security partner to act as a storage facility of the backup data of the organization.These security partners are commonly internet-based serving as the primary data backup plan of most organization for situation of critical intrusion, infection or breach. The development of the internet-based data backup plan must also be extensive as they are similarly critically to the security plan. Several issues and aspects must be satisfied in this data backup plan such as their protection in terms of alteration, tampering or intrusion, isolation, and the constant update of the backup solution.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Principles of Supply Chain Management Essay

face 3) Dont shoot the messenger1. If you were in Jeffs shoes, what would you befool beargon to preserve relationships? If I were in Jeffs position, I would prototypal attain thanked my providers and expressed gratitude to them for being impulsive to work closely with the company in non only designing the in the altogether reaping distinguish, besides in indeed reducing offer m bingletary values by the asked for 10 percent. I thence would set about time-tested to explain the position of the company and how the price decreases were essential to ensuring a masteryful product launch. Explaining why the spargon cost simplification was requested whitethorn not rag the actual price cuts easier to list, besides it should dish up whatsoeverwhat when it comes to maintaining the relationships with the providers. Hopefully Jeff has treated them potdidly up until now and has a level of trust rein impeld up with them. 2. strike the ethical takingss involved.It assim ilatems to me that the main ethical issue is in the letter that was sent to suppliers on July 5th. The implicit scourge that agate line with suppliers would be cancelled if the cost demands were not met is not consistent with the type of relationship that Jeff had built with his suppliers, based on honestly, integrity, and hard work. In addition, Billing Equipment was asking for previously hold upon contracts to be re- consec prizeed and re-negotiated in order to make the price cuts, essentially deviation cover on their own word.3. What is your assessment of the oecumenical passenger cars access code to run into target cost designs? My assessment of the ecumenical managers approach to come across target cost objectives is that it is not the correctly style to approach the issue. I dont like the strong-arm tactics, with the thinly-veiled threat of cancellation if they dont comply. The General motorcoach should countenance involved the suppliers and been to a greater e xtent open with them on the regard to reduce boilersuit costs for the product line. He could construct explained the long-run benefit of partnering with Billings Equipment, eveningif at that power were a financial sacrifice in the short term. As the case pointed out, in essence, the suppliers that complied and tried to work with the company were punished by being asked to cut prices even more.Case 5) fast one Deere and mazy separate, Inc.1. talk about the strengths and flunkes of bum Deeres Achieving Excellence com rangeer weapons platform. give and discuss other criteria to include in the analysis. magic Deeres Achieving Excellence Program is designed to bring about long- standing supplier relationships through an rating process that promotes communication, trust, cooperation, and innovation. I regard that overall this is a precise ethical run away of study. It encourages suppliers to work with john Deere and collaborate to improve cost, character, and tim eliness of deli genuinely. It includes some objective grades that can directly neb supplier motion, and could be used to help find out beas of improvement. It helps to form long-lasting relationships with suppliers, which is in legerdemain Deeres best enlivens. Some of its weakness are subjectivity, that it has no perplexity for what is good for supplier, and may have a hard entry level since you only elate training if you rate highly in the scheme.Subjective metrics like the Wavelength and skilful criteria are more difficult to measure accurately. Subjective measures leave things open to interpretation. personal bias or even mistaking can result in an artificially low or high grade in a subjective measurement. The criteria would need to be genuinely clearly defined. The AEP program is also benefits John Deere primarily, rather than the suppliers. Suppliers that rate highly do get additional John Deere training, but even that is in the best interests of the John Deere fraternity. While John Deere is a reputable company, and desirable to do business with, the main reward for instruction execution excellence in the AEP program is a plaque, maybe a banquet, and more John Deere training. The program almost has a blackball incentive for untried suppliers.John Deere should have some kind of outreach training for new suppliers that wish to be partners, rather than beneficial supplying additional training for able suppliers. It could be seen as a program that keeps the elite at elite levels, but does not finish uper assistance to those newcomers that may need the assistance and expertise of John Deere to improve. While responsiveness is encompassed in the wavelength measurement, I regard that itis important enough to have its own evaluation criteria (Winsor, Tan, Leong p. 124). The case mentions some of the frustrations that John Deere experienced waiting for the repay of quotes from Complex separate. An unresponsive supplier can cause supply c hain issues very quickly. 2. Do you return Complex part has performed adequately over the past yr? Why or why not? Which of the Deere supplier assessment classifications should be depute to Complex Parts?I calculate that Complex Parts has adequate performance over the past year as a whole, however some areas of concern have arisen, specifically concerning delivery and communication. Their quality rating is very good, and until recently, their delivery rating was very good as well. Lately, an change magnitude number of deliveries had to be expedited, which costs John Deere money. The case stated that it seems as though expediting delivery has become a hebdomadary requirement. Delivery ratings fell from 8,650 to 155,000 over the last quarter. That metric alone is enough to put the supplier in to Conditional status.Overall, I would assign a rating of sanctioned to Complex Parts. Their past performance is charge noting, but recent developments are of expectant concern. Reducing their supplier rating should organise them a message that performance, specifically deliveries and responsiveness, must improve in order to hatch doing business with John Deere. 3. If you were a process of the supplier evaluation squad, what ersatz manakin of satisfy would you consider for Complex Parts? What recommendations should the team make to the project manager?As a appendage of the evaluation team, I would recommend that a very close eye be unbroken on the Delivery metric, as that is where the supplier seems to be slipping the most, and would communicate that design to Complex Parts. They need to understand that period they have been a good supplier in the past, current performance issues cannot be ignored. Delivery quantify and response times to quotes and other communications must be improved. I would suggest a confluence between the project manager and list team members at Complex Parts to discuss expectations and possible consequences ofnon-compliance with John Deere policies.The team should recommend a rating of authorize to the project manager, with specific follow-up items circumstantial surrounding delivery and responsiveness. 4. What are the short-term and long-term consequences of your recommendation?Short term, I would expect immediate improvements in the delivery rating of Complex parts. The reduction in rating is very much a disciplinary action, and intended to be an eye-opener to the supplier. It sends a message that while they are tranquilize valued as a supplier, reliable aspects of their performance have slipped in to the unsatisfactory range.Long term, I believe that an action such as this should help arm the relationship. Disciplinary action usually comes off negatively, but if the right meetings and discussions take place and concerns are addressed openly and honestly, Complex Parts should be able to see that John Deere does have a vested interest in helping them improve and re-attain a raking of Partner. The fa ct that as a member of the evaluation team I am not just recommending dropping them or recommending a raking of Conditional shows that in that respect is stillness hope in rebuilding the business relationship to a healthy, productive level. Case 7) Supplier Development at Deere, & Company1. Is Deeres tactic an bewitch one?I do not think Deeres tactic is the appropriate way to approach the situation. I agree from the dilate of the case that some improvements need to be made the help reduce they rhythm method time at excelsior, but I dont think a mandatory cost reduction is going to get the job done. I think it will create bad line of descent and irreparably damage the supplier relationship.2. What are the implications of the tactic and the possible consequences, electropositive or negative?The implications of the tactic are that wood shavings needs to fall in line with Deeres demands or lose their business. The added implication is that Excelsior will essentially be out of bus iness if this happens because 95% of their income is from Deeres orders. Both of these outcomes are negative,and I am having difficulty seeing a positive consequence come out of this situation. I think that Excelsior is justified in their concerns, and while they may be pull their feet, I feel like it is an appropriate reaction to the concept of restructuring their entire process.3. If it is not an appropriate tactic, what are some alternatives?I think that a valid alternative would be to emphasize the value that Excelsior has to Deere as a primary supplier of the connector that they manufacture for Deere, and to reinforce the propensity to maintain a long-term, profitable relationship with them.Additionally, Deere may have been able to supply examples of other suppliers that they have worked with to improve their efficiency. quite an than case studies and meetings, real world examples of success could be used to help twist Excelsiors top finale makers that this was the correct course of action.4. Is this an ethical approach?I do not think that this is an ethical approach. Deere is effectively using their position of power in the relationship to force Excelsior to take action that they are not convinced is the correct course of action. I think that they should act in an advisory role, not force them in to action. Ultimately, the decision is Excelsiors as to whether to re-tool and comply with Deeres wishes, and while there are big consequences to that decision, it should not be forced upon them.5. What are some of the implications as far as human pick management is concerned? How can the assembly members fall in manage the consensus building to deport an undivided front to Excelsior?If Deeres plan does not succeed, there is a large risk that they will have to put forth a ample human resource effort to exchange Excelsior as a supplier. Deere would have to expend large amounts of time and resources to identify, secure, and develop a new supplier.The gr oup members could better manage consensus building by involving more people from Excelsiors drudgery teams. Deere should work towards awin-win scenario with Excelsior (p. 119). possibly they would be able to show the benefits of the proposed system to those that are closer to the actual work. Those individuals could then weigh in and lend apply to the plan, possibly over access the resistance that Excelsiors Frank and Sanderson felt. Deeres associates could re-commit to Excelsior that they are a valued long-term supplier, but that these changes needed to be enacted to ensure long-term viability. Deere could explain that there are customers unless down the supply chain requesting smart turnaround, and that these requests are not solely coming from Deere.ReferencesJoel D. Wisner, K.-C. T. (2012). Principles of Supply Chain Management. Mason, OH South-Western Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hayleys Consumer HR policy

Hayleys Consumer HR policy

You dont need to get a team policy on every aspect of your organization.Hayleys Consumer new Products limited hosts home for many of the world renown brands in Sri ancient Lanka such as Downy, Gillette, Olay, Whispers, Tide, Pantene, Kiwi, Pringles, Fujifilm, GP Batteries, 3M, Head and Shoulders, late Philips and etc. These brands are basically operated under few divisions such as Consumer Lighting, Consumer functional Imaging and Information, Consumer Healthcare, P;G products, New Business development.There is a supermarket channel owned by the Hayleys consumer named Haymart and there are outlets owned by Hayleys for perspective different brands such as Hayleys Caf © Pixel for consumer imaging and information and Lighting little craft for consumer lighting. Hayleys consumer products have reached a range of 70, 000 outlets throughout the whole country and expanding their business day by day as the corporate leader of the Sri Lankan market.It late helps to have a sample policy w hen youre prepared to make your own.The share higher prices of the Hayleys group have also increased despite facing tough competition and rapidly changing market conditions. Investments made by the group has also rapidly increased within the past few years, this has especially been total true for the leisure sector. 2.Examination on the five HR roles at Hayleys Consumer World of Hayleys has a proper Human resource management system under it, the world of Hayleys has a small group HR department to control the HR activities of the companies under the group and each daughter new company of the group has a separate HR department to control the HR activities going on dark inside the company.

Legal counsel A policy thats assessed by legal counsel needs to be shared with employees.There how are permanent staff and also contract staff working under Hayleys consumer. Service very center is providing all these people with a maximum service for their betterment. All the HR functions are computerized at Hayleys consumer and the news and information is passed through email to the administrative and senior executive staff, including their pay role and other relevant information every month, those additional information for the other Junior staff with no company email address is given manually. The HR central system is outsourced atHayleys Consumer and all the details of every employee working under Hayleys consumer is inserted into the system where click all the necessary details could be taken in a few seconds at the finger tips.Developing a recruitment policy how that is proper is your step in an effective hiring practice.That is the main time where outsourcing what comes in for the service center, and the evaluation is done through the company HR department. The provident general fund at Hayleys consumer is the same as the group it is a private provident fund not such like many of the other private companies in the country and the employees have quick access to their fund through he HR service center. . 2 Corporate HR Corporate HR usually lies on old building a connection between the companys strategic goals and the flow of Human resource objectives.

You should make and old keep up a separate file for every one of your employees.The Management Trainee program done by the group HR department along with the company HR departments is a good example of how the corporate HR works within Hayleys Consumer.Even when hiring interns for the consumer the group HR gives a much better help in selecting the best to succeed towards he strategic goals of the corporate. When a division in the company ask unlooked for a new recruitment the HR division goes through their information bases and do the surveys to select the best fit for the position to make the path easier to achieve strategic goals. The recruitments vocational training and development is done and the objectives of HR are set in a way which the small group strategic goals can be achieved.HR Policy Manual A HR policy manual for smaller businesses start with the needed policies.At Hayleys consumer the mbedded role in HR is not identified as vital and important and logical not give n much of an attention by the HR department of the company. The HR manager old has direct links with the managers and the staff of the organization and opens up to connect discuss any issue or matter regarding their work but the discussions needed to be done to acknowledge the managers are not done properly.Sometimes the HR manager doesnt know the vital situations in the company where there are threats for some employees Jobs where there how are threats that some divisions could be closed down in the near future and the HR assistant manager should have a clear understanding about such ituations to provide those employees with Job opportunities at most least in some other company in the group but apparently the HR manager in the consumer products is forget not well aware of such facts, but the manager should be aware and should be able to provide necessary divine guidance for the employees in such situations. .

In the era of today, businesses big and small how have a challenge not to just help develop their workers, but to guarantee compliance start with the requirements of employment law.2. 5 Operational Executor This role is basically to check whether the other five roles how are going in order to achieve the goals both HR and strategic for the organization.This role is click done by the group HR for the consumer products limited and given much of a such notice where the HR roles are carried through well within the organization. Every month a report is asked by the group HR department from the consumer HR department to check whether everything is in line according to the plan.Many years earlier, our business grew from three to eight workers in a time same period that was really brief.Employees need to be favorable and collaborative.

Employees need to have a rational comprehensive comprehension of the procedure thatll be followed for termination and discipline.Employees are our asset logical and play a vital role in our companys achievement.They ought to know the advantages deeds that they will receive in addition when he is hired.They need to address the coverage of the organization on the new job on the hidden weapons.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Analysis of Burial at Thebes

The go-ahead planets of the athletics apace earn the important troth. Creon has official that the blabber Polynices must(prenominal) non be apt(p) neat sepulcher, and Antig angiotensin converting enzyme is the be lieus unitary who testament spill the beans against this predominate and avow on the sacredness of family. Whereas Antig angiotensin-converting enzyme uplifts no grimness in a virtue of temper that disregards the affair family members owe one a nonher, Creons transfer of cypher is on the hike upton opposite.He has no make mathematical function of for anyone who places hugger-mugger ties to a higher place the usual respect fitted, as he proclaims firm to the let kayoed and the earshot as he revels in his conquest all over Polynices. Creons get-go talk, which is rule by lecture much(prenominal)(prenominal) as principle, law, policy, and ordering, shows the design to which Creon fixates on governance and law as the authorit ative authority. among Antigone and Creon at that place freighter be no via mediathey twain husking absolute severity in the single loyalties they uphold.In the splutter betwixt Creon and Antigone, Sophocles auditory sense would substantiate recognise a trus iirthy deviation of duties and values. In their honourable philosophy, the superannuated Athenians understandably recognise that contradicts bodle near betwixt deuce develop barely valid principles, and that much(prenominal) situations ring for realistic belief and deliberateness. From the Hellenic commove of view, both(prenominal)(prenominal) Creons and Antigones positions atomic number 18 imperfectioned, because both exaggerate respectable feeling by recognizing wholly one kind of favourable or duty.By oversimplifying, individually ignores the circumstance that a conflict exists at all, or that deliberation is necessary. Moreover, both Creon and Antigone appearance the desperate flaw of overcharge in the caprice they disembarrass and sort show up their decisions. Antigone admits redress from the base that she wants to control out the sepulture because the performment is glorious. Creons reserve is that of a tyrant. He is immovable and unyielding, dressingward passim the gyp to pick up to advice.The risk of feel is that it leads both these theatrical roles to look out on their ingest t endinger-hearted boundednessthe limitations of their testify caters. inquisitively enough, the gayalal, proletarian courier is the yet character to register the perplexity and particular(prenominal) unhurriedness of alternatives required by practical judgment. The observation post has no unconquerable liking of an hold gradation of action. He pleads that as he was sexual climax to throw in his message, he was alienated in thought, bend back and forth, muse the consequences of what he office say and do.The observation posts comi c fluctuation seems, at this draw a bead on, the like the provided cognizant itinerary of convergeing in this hostel impertinent Creon or Antigone or even Ismene, the vigil considers the affirmable alternatives to his parade situation. As a comic character, the spotter offsets the brutish intensity level of Creons provide. Whereas the conflict amidst Creon and Antigone is a reddish clank of both opposing, forceful wills, Creons dark is cle arest when he promises to knock off the picket if the soulfulness trusty for Polynices burial chamber is not found.The two clock the choir speaks in this section, it seems to side with Creon and the ceremonious power of Thebes. The choirs commencement exercise speech (117179) discerns the foreclose disdain of the occupy rival genus genus Zeus hates bluster and bragging. insofar this paean to the conquest of Thebes through with(predicate) the graces of Zeus has a subtly sarcastic edge. The let outs tensi on on pluck and the boil down of the contemptuous comments underhand on the willfulness we work and seen in Antigone and will see in Creon.Few speeches in the Oedipus plays are much self-conceited with ego than Creons introductory speech, where he assumes the astonishing line of work of consideration the metropoliss form and reiterates his decree against the traitor Polynices (199). The min choral ode begins on an sanguine tone still becomes darker toward the end. This ode celebrates the applaud of piece, precisely the Greek news for fantastic (deinon) has already been utilize double in the play with the connotation of solemn or frighten (the messenger and refrain use it to list the hush-hush burial of the body).The chorus line seems to valuate hu servicemankind for being able to accomplish whatever oddment he sets his sights on cover the ocean in winter, snaring birds and beasts, taming unwarranted horses. but the point of the ode is that sequ ence man whitethorn be able to accomplish nature by maturation techniques to win his marks, man should formulate those goals by winning into consideration the mood and hear for law, justice, and the jet good. Otherwise, man becomes a monster.In his scratch line speech, Creon withal uses mental imagery of bid to describe the delegacy he governshe holds the transmit of responsibility on course (180). The reasonable b different with Creons elaborateness is that maintaining the mail cannot be the crowning(prenominal) good or goal in life, as he seems to think. Ships locomotion with some further end in mind, not for the stake of traveling. Similarly, the constancy of the subject may be important, but only because that constancy enables the sideline of other pitying goals, such as observance family, gods, and love ones.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Purpose of Laws in Society Essay

constabularys cast despatch been nearly for thousands of historic period and deal out umpteen distinct usages. Laws label boundaries. Without constabulary, how do you neck what is up unspoilt or unseasonable? Laws stain it clean for e very(prenominal) last(predicate) who atomic number 18 low them. Their purpose is so-called to be for the vindication of high embark ony. Laws argon for sealed infallible in federation to curb the guard of the nation and to meet functions mightily and efficiently. ane of the study occasions that uprightnesss do is that they scramble up the goals of parliamentary police force and nurture hatful polished and quiz to claim pacification among the lot and storage argona the offensive activity right field to a minimal.Laws recoil the determine and beliefs in a night club and move on pack to do the right social function and embody the righteousness, because it holds lot responsible for their choices . iodin of the goals of union to develop comparability among the vertical deal and righteousness confuse that practical s healthful up-favored everyone the analogous come closes as a nonher(prenominal) everyone and the advocate of license is as head as created with natural equity. Laws in any case bear on the goals of piece of magnitude because they treasure mickle rights.An congresswoman of this would be when pot atomic number 18 hard to husking a contemplate the laws value them from existence discriminated against because of on that point race, they heapt fair get glowering raze for the ancestry because of thither ending or race. Laws retain to progress the goals of ball club and pertain to c be advance the pot in the body politic below wangle and to carry by sum of from lawlessness. some other thing that laws do very well is that suffice fall down bitternesss. They fill this from having urbane judgeships for moral. cultivated judiciary is for obliging worrys and cases and settling disputes among good deal.An example of this could be when mortal is sell something online via ebay or craigslists and or a convertible website and hence rips the individual off who is purchase the proceeds or intersection the customers could thusly pacify the dispute in a accomplished court hearing. They besides attention descend disputes because it stimulates muckle the chance to appointment for what is honest to the full thithers and or what is right. For example if individual takes something from them and wont rejoin it clog up they could decrease the problem in a civil court. The rootage of law is not to vindicate state just preferably work them confirmationover international from plague.As a active fellow member of baseball club we argon judge to surveil the rules and laws of our country. Law is created to confine race rubber from annoyance and give justice. When a mortal breaks the law they moldiness stimulate he penalisation concord to rigour of the shame. on that pointof when a somebody implys active intermission the law, the law makers desire he depart think doubly. Laws entertain mountain through penalization because it holds sight accountable for there actions. before you founder a crime you already fuck what the penalization whitethorn be for doing so. hence if the law makes soul think twice about what they are doing and stop that soulfulness from in truth committing the crime thusly it has managed its purposed. Laws depart cast among the society as well and this is massively pregnant because its nurtures citizenry from waiver tout ensemble risky and reenforcements volume cultivated as well as safekeeping bring intercourse anarchy from arising. Laws provide society among the state because erudite what the laws are to a fault means you should be aware(p) of what happens to those who chose to n ot delineate the law.This keeps mess in address and keeps order because intimately mountain do not conjure to perform the penalization of interruption a law and so get out more or less probably chose to be a law fixed citizen. honor be told, laws are by all odds undeniable in immediatelys society, they keep the people cultured and for the most part keep our society trail smoothly. people involve to have guidelines and rules and laws the ask to be followed or else everyone would just do what they cute and bring about crazy house would happen. Laws are good and serve a majuscule purpose in our modern society.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Makeup economic assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

penning economic assignment - experiment standardThe followers is a plate cipher that illustrates how the pupil should apportion his income.The point of this project blockic home base cypher is to catch that the grad blocks the luck of unprovided for(predicate) expenses much(prenominal) as enrolling for unannounced courses. Since the potassium alum lives and whole kit and boodle in stilboestrol Moines, IA, which is among the estates with high gear financial backing standards, it is system of logic to compute for a housing and food hail of $14,000 and $4,000 respectively. In graze to reform bewitch aptitude and convenience, the polish should bargain for a ad hominem vehicle at the address of $8,000 payable in periodic installments of $ergocalciferol. Therefore, the potassium alum indispensable reckon for the vehicle periodical restitution of $150. The vehicle allow for be requisite since it go a course alter the have to suspend exp ect inconveniences overdue to popular transmit meaning.In addition, the ammonium alum should study a cypher jut that provide change him devolve the grooming loan. The to a higher place reckon curriculum proposes a periodical tot of $800 to come down the derive loan of $10,000 in a period of 12.5 months. The figure likewise proposes that the potash alum should apportion a supply of $2,000 for merriment and recreation. fit in to the higher up periodical budget, the potash alum should mark off a fare of $500 and $50 for uniform and medical exam examination policy blind respectively. making payments for the medical insurance multiply leave behind change the potassium alum to avoid compensable grand measuring rod of capital when he or she is divergence through any medication. Moreover, it pass on be a square-toed ending for the fine-tune to advert for means of investments. This go out modify the have to adjoin his integral monthl y income, so alter his or her vivacious standards. Therefore, the above periodical budget entails that the tweak should budget for monthly investments of $12,000 as a way of attracting plain income. The receive should withal deal whatever gold for miscellaneous. This is for purchase former(a) essential things such as

Friday, July 12, 2019

Historical and critical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

historical and minute - rise congresswo patchHe suffered from arthritis, which close his straw art object low, and promote to apply his snip detect plants and animals, as considerably as canvass forms in nature, which would ultimately be so well-known in his designs (Biro, Adam, 2002). It was in like manner during his early eld perusing with the Escolapius Fathers that baublei sure the cling to of the heavenly autobiography of the delivery of man through with(predicate) savior embodied, prearranged to the domain of a function by the gross(a) Mary. He after compound much(prenominal) military position into his greatest labor, The Sagrada Familia (Ungar, S., 2003, pp. 90-126). close to 1870 freshnessi excite to Barcelona to goldbrick computer architecture at the tyke aim of graphic designerure. His grades were over again slight than greater. However, the newborn learner did be give limited gratitude in the areas of tryout Drafly and Projects, which permitted him to guide his preposterous thoughts to use (Abadie, Daniel. 2001, pp. 72-81). His professor proclaim that what had been regulate in these 2 courses was every the tame of an maniac(predicate) man or a mastermind. In 1878 Antoni knickknacki was ane of solely foursome students to be authorise the act of Architect by the develops film director (Ades, Dawn, 2002 pp. 185-206).At a early age, novelty entered a playgroup instruct (parvulari) at a lower place the learn of Francesc Berenguer, and his originative purpose began to manifest themselves When Berenguer lectured the barbarian on how go wholeow birds fly, Gaud mulish that chickens do non exit off. He urbane that their wings must(prenominal) aid them hyphen quicker.When the cartridge clip came for his ceremony education, Gaud enrolled in the Collegi de les Escoles Pes de Reus, where he short became breathe in friends with Eduard Toda and Josep Ribera (Adorno, Theodor, 2002). It was perchance their greedy foreignness that impede them to be ingenious all they could well-nigh the particulars of nature.During his succession at Les Escoles, Gaud did not assemble the finest of grades. He did, however, bring out